Sydney's Dog Training & Behaviour Specialists Since 1994

Fido Flashcards
Obedience Training made easy!
E-books and Obedience Training Flashcards

Raising Fido
An easy-to-read e-book giving you insight into the mind and needs of your new fur-friend (ideal for pups up to 5 months old).
Raising a calm and happy dog isn’t as easy as we’d like to think. We have a very cute little baby come into our world which is hard enough when he’s of the same species. Our new pup, however, has a whole different way of communicating, different ways of engaging and different needs to what we often expect.
We shower our pups with love (which they deserve) but often inadvertently create a co-dependent relationship with them whereby being away from us (or us being away from them) can quite literally be impossible without distress.
This e-book guides you from before you even bring your new pup home, through to understanding your new fur-friend and guiding his behaviours, training him and playing with him. You want him ‘for keeps’ and we want to help you with that.
Just $16.50 - click HERE for your copy

7 Days to a Happier Hound
Here our amazing 3 Bs method has been structured as a 7 Day, step-by-step program which will benefit ANY dog from 5 months to old age - even dogs who don't have issues can become happier and more relaxed by you applying this method. This is the basis of the program that would be put in place for you in one-on-one sessions in your home but, instead of 2 intense, and potentially brain-melting sessions, it's presented in a more gradual and easy-to-follow day-by-day program.
Who will benefit from this book? Anyone who has a dog! It will help you with the more common issues of demanding behaviours, separation anxiety, pulling on leash, dogs jumping up onto you, other people, furniture or kitchen counters, stealing, digging, and bullying (which includes biting, nipping and ‘pinching’). It’s a good basis for reactive dogs and has insights for taking your reactive dog out and having him around other dogs. There’s also a section devoted to dog body-language, and meet and greet, that will help you in that direction regardless of whether or not your dog is reactive.
This gentle, 'think dog' method banishes the harsh methods previously used in dog and puppy training, instead giving owners a new insight into their dogs. Their needs are so different to the situations that we put them into, yet we don’t give them the guidance that they need to be able to cope in our world. We need to behave in a way that makes sense to them, and this e-book guides you in how to do just that.
Click HERE to get your copy at $27.90

Ruling The Roost
Ruling the Roost is the Dog Training Book that you've been waiting for. It tells you everything that your dog REALLY wants you to know about how to be a good leader for him or her - gaining and maintaining the respect and co-operation of your pack - whether they are dogs, cats or members of various other species.
Whereas Obedience gives you the ability to REQUEST behaviours, Status gives you the authority to EXPECT behaviours. Ruling the Roost shows you step by step how to be a stong and Kind leader for your charges.
Clearly explaining dog pack behaviour, dog status, leadership and establishing authority, this book will give you a good understanding of dog behaviour, dog problems, dog training and communication.

Fido Flashcards
Great for training both young and old dogs the basics of dog obedience, Fido Flashcards are a great way to teach ANY dog new tricks!!
Fido Flash Cards - designed to be printed as A5 in size and packed with knowledge, each FIDO FLASH CARD has a new skill for dogs and owners to learn.
Designed by Mutts with Manners, these dog training cards offer easy to follow, Fido-friendly methods to assist in dog training and to teach your dog new skills including step by step instructions with illustrations, Getting Started, Half-Time Checklist and Troubleshooting.
Available via PDF at just $1.00 each, buy yours today to start your dog obedience training adventure!!
Cards include:
COME (to come when called)
DROP (to lie down)
STAND (remain stationary whilst standing up)
STAY (not to move until told)
WAIT FOR FOOD (until told to eat)
WAIT (to 'hang out' outside a cafe, for example)
HEEL (to walk next to you)